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Manuscript leaf from a            Parisian ”Pocket Bible”, c.1250.

Manuscript leaf from a Parisian ”Pocket Bible”, c.1250. by BIBLE

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Seller: Littera Scripta
Manuscript leaf from a Parisian ”Pocket Bible”, c.1250.
Littera Scripta (Australia)
"afflict not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, nor oppress them unjustly" Recto: Latin text written in black ink on fine vellum in an extremely precise gothic minuscule script in two columns of 47 lines. Ruled in red, versal initials touched in red. Heading 'RE' (half of the abbreviated running title of 'IERE' (IEREMIAS), and chapter numbers in red and blue. One five-line initial 'H' and one two-line initial 'V' in blue and red with intricate red and blue penwork embellishments extending the full length of the page. Interestingly, in the right margin are words that the scribe originally omitted and has added later. (see Notes). Verso: As Recto with the heading 'IE' and one two-line coloured initial 'V'. The decorative penwork from the initial extends the length of the page, as Recto. Origin: Northern France, doubtless Paris. Date: Mid-13th century, c. 1250. Content:The text on Recto beginning Chapter 22 at the red initial 'H' reads: Haec dicit Dominus descende in domum regis Iuda et loqueris ibi verbum hoc et dices audi verbum Domini rex Iuda qui sedes super solium David tu et servi tui et populus tuus qui ingredimini per portas istas. (Thus saith the Lord: Go down to the house of the king of Juda, and there thou shalt speak this word, And thou shalt say: Hear the word of the Lord, king of Juda, that sittest upon the throne of David: thou and thy servants, and thy people, who enter in by these gates. Thus saith the Lord: Execute judgment and justice, and deliver him that is oppressed out of the hand of the oppressor: and afflict not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, nor oppress them unjustly: and shed not innocent blood in this place.) Condition: This 770 year old leaf is excellent condition. The script shows no ink loss and the vellum remains clean and unblemished. Vibrant colours. The bottom margin has been slightly trimmed, perhaps for a later re-binding, but unusually and pleasingly, the top margin with the running title is untrimmed. Archivally mounted. Unconditionally guaranteed genuine. Size: Leaf: approx. 165x130 mm. Notes: Scribal correction. Verse 17 of Chapter 21 should read: Et post haec ait Dominus dabo Sedeciam regem Iuda et servos eius et populum eius et qui derelicti sunt in civitate hac a peste et gladio et fame in manu Nabuchodonosor regis Babylonis et in manu inimicorum eorum et in manu quaerentium animam eorum et percutiet eos in ore gladii et non movebitur neque parcet nec miserebitur. However the scribe originally omitted the words quaerentium animam eorum et percutiet and returned later to add them in the margin, indicating the point at which they should be inserted in the text with a small oblique line. St. Jerome's many biblical, ascetical, monastic, and theological works profoundly influenced the early Middle Ages.The production of Jerome's Latin Vulgate Bible (405 A.D.) changed the Roman Empire, helped unify medieval Europe, and imbued a biblical knowledge and Christian world view by making the Bible accessible in what was the common (Vulgate) Latin language for the late classical era.